SILO V3 Entities
Description: Represents an account entity with various attributes detailing positions, transactions, and events associated with the account.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Account address |
positionCount | Int! | Number of positions this account has |
positions | [Position!]! | All positions that belong to this account |
openPositionCount | Int! | Number of open positions this account has |
closedPositionCount | Int! | Number of closed positions this account has |
depositCount | Int! | Number of deposits this account made |
deposits | [Deposit!]! | All deposit events of this account |
withdrawCount | Int! | Number of withdrawals this account made |
withdraws | [Withdraw!]! | All withdraw events of this account |
borrowCount | Int! | Number of borrows this account made |
borrows | [Borrow!]! | All borrow events of this account |
repayCount | Int! | Number of repays this account made |
repays | [Repay!]! | All repay events of this account |
liquidateCount | Int! | Number of times this account liquidated a position |
liquidates | [Liquidate!]! | All liquidation events where this account was the liquidator |
liquidationCount | Int! | Number of times this account has been liquidated |
liquidations | [Liquidate!]! | All liquidation events where this account got liquidated |
Description: Represents an active account entity, identifying various roles the account may have within the system.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
isDepositor | Boolean! | Indicates whether the account has made deposits |
isBorrower | Boolean! | Indicates whether the account has borrowed funds |
isLiquidator | Boolean! | Indicates whether the account has acted as a liquidator |
isLiquidatee | Boolean! | Indicates whether the account has been liquidated |
Description: Represents an entity used to assist in rebalancing market balances, typically triggered under certain conditions.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Set to 'ID', uniquely identifying the entity |
siloIds | [String!] | Identifiers of silos where a balance loop should be triggered |
Description: Represents a deposit event in the system, detailing the transaction and the associated account, market, and position details.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
hash | String! | Transaction hash of the transaction that emitted this event |
nonce | BigInt! | Nonce of the transaction that emitted this event |
logIndex | Int! | Event log index. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0 |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Block number of this event |
timestamp | BigInt! | Timestamp of this event |
account | Account! | Account that deposited tokens |
market | Market! | The market tokens are deposited to |
silo | Silo! | The silo the event is for |
siloPosition | SiloPosition! | The users aggregated positions for a silo |
position | Position! | The user position changed by this event |
asset | Token! | Token deposited |
amount | BigInt! | Amount of token deposited in native units |
amountUSD | BigDecimal! | Amount of token deposited in USD |
Description: Represents a daily snapshot of financial metrics for a lending protocol, including TVL, revenue, and lending activities.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | ID is # of days since Unix epoch time |
protocol | LendingProtocol! | Protocol this snapshot is associated with |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Block number of this snapshot |
timestamp | BigInt! | Timestamp of this snapshot |
totalValueLockedUSD | BigDecimal! | Current TVL (Total Value Locked) of the entire protocol |
protocolControlledValueUSD | BigDecimal | Current PCV (Protocol Controlled Value). Only relevant for protocols with PCV. |
mintedTokenSupplies | [BigInt!] | Total supply of minted tokens in native amounts, with same ordering as mintedTokens. Only applies to CDP |
dailySupplySideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Revenue claimed by suppliers to the protocol (e.g., LPs on DEXs, depositors on lending protocols) |
cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Cumulative revenue claimed by suppliers to the protocol |
dailyProtocolSideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Gross revenue for the protocol (e.g., AMM protocol fee, OpenSea sell fee) |
cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Cumulative gross revenue for the protocol |
dailyTotalRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the protocol on a given day |
cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Cumulative total revenue generated by the protocol |
totalDepositBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all deposited assets, in USD |
dailyDepositUSD | BigDecimal! | Total assets deposited on a given day, in USD |
cumulativeDepositUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical deposits in USD |
totalBorrowBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all borrowed/minted assets, in USD |
dailyBorrowUSD | BigDecimal! | Total assets borrowed/minted on a given day, in USD |
cumulativeBorrowUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical borrows/mints in USD |
dailyLiquidateUSD | BigDecimal! | Total assets liquidated on a given day, in USD |
cumulativeLiquidateUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical liquidations in USD |
dailyWithdrawUSD | BigDecimal! | Total assets withdrawn on a given day, in USD |
dailyRepayUSD | BigDecimal! | Total assets repaid on a given day, in USD |
Description: Represents an incentive program entity, detailing the specifics of the program including the underlying asset and distribution details.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
hash | String! | Transaction hash of the transaction that emitted this event |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Block number of this event |
timestamp | BigInt! | Timestamp of this event |
asset | Token! | Underlying Asset for the program |
emmissionsPerSecond | BigInt! | Amount of collateral liquidated in native units |
distributionEnd | BigInt! | Distribution end |
totalDistributionAmount | BigInt! | Total amount allocated for distribution |
Description: Represents an interest rate entity with detailed attributes including rate, duration, and associated market and asset information.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
rate | BigDecimal! | Interest rate in percentage APY (e.g., 5.21% stored as 5.21) |
duration | Int | Duration of the loan in days. Only applies to fixed term lending |
maturityBlock | BigInt | Maturity of the loan in block height. Only applies to fixed term lending |
side | InterestRateSide! | The party the interest is paid to/received from |
type | InterestRateType! | The type of interest rate (e.g., stable, fixed, variable, etc) |
silo | Silo | The Market that this interest rate is for |
market | Market | The Combination of the asset and market |
token | Token | The Asset that this interest rate is for |
uopt | BigInt | Optimal utilization (uopt ∈ (0, 1)) |
ucrit | BigInt | Threshold of large utilization (ucrit ∈ (uopt, 1)) |
ulow | BigInt | Threshold of low utilization (ulow ∈ (0, uopt)) |
ki | BigInt | Integrator gain (ki > 0) |
kcrit | BigInt | Proportional gain for large utilization (kcrit > 0) |
klow | BigInt | Proportional gain for low utilization (klow ≥ 0) |
klin | BigInt | Coefficient of the lower linear bound (klin ≥ 0) |
beta | BigInt | A scaling factor (beta ≥ 0) |
ri | BigInt | Initial value of the integrator (ri ≥ 0) |
Tcrit | BigInt | The time during which the utilization exceeds the critical value (Tcrit ≥ 0) |
utilization | BigDecimal | Utilization of the asset as a percent |
interestRateDaily | [InterestRateDaily!]! | Daily metrics for the rates |
interestRateHourly | [InterestRateHourly!]! | Hourly metrics for the rates |
Description: Represents daily metrics for an interest rate, including utilization, rates, and related calculations.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
day | Int! | # of days since Unix epoch time |
timestamp | Int! | Timestamp of the start of the day |
interestRate | InterestRate! | Entity to connect to the interest rate |
ri | BigInt | Initial value of the integrator (ri ≥ 0) |
Tcrit | BigInt | The time during which the utilization exceeds the critical value (Tcrit ≥ 0) |
utilization | BigDecimal | Utilization of the asset as a percent |
rateLast | BigDecimal! | The most recent rate recorded or last for the day |
rateHigh | BigDecimal! | Highest the rate was for the day |
rateLow | BigDecimal! | Lowest the rate was for the day |
rateAvg | BigDecimal! | Average of the recorded rates for the day |
rateSum | BigDecimal! | Sum of rates recorded for the day - used for calculating avg |
rateCount | Int! | Count of rates recorded for the day - used for calculating avg |
Description: Represents hourly metrics for an interest rate, including utilization, rates, and related calculations.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
hour | Int! | # of hours since Unix epoch time |
timestamp | Int! | Timestamp of the start of the hour |
interestRate | InterestRate! | Entity to connect to the interest rate |
ri | BigInt | Initial value of the integrator (ri ≥ 0) |
Tcrit | BigInt | The time during which the utilization exceeds the critical value (Tcrit ≥ 0) |
utilization | BigDecimal | Utilization of the asset as a percent |
rateLast | BigDecimal! | The most recent rate recorded or last for the hour |
rateHigh | BigDecimal! | Highest the rate was for the hour |
rateLow | BigDecimal! | Lowest the rate was for the hour |
rateAvg | BigDecimal! | Average of the recorded rates for the hour |
rateSum | BigDecimal! | Sum of rates recorded for the hour - used for calculating avg |
rateCount | Int! | Count of rates recorded for the hour - used for calculating avg |
Description: Represents a lending protocol entity with comprehensive details including protocol characteristics, quantitative data, snapshots, markets, and credit information.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Smart contract address of the protocol's main contract (Factory, Registry, etc) |
name | String! | Name of the protocol, including version (e.g., Aave v2) |
slug | String! | Slug of protocol, including version (e.g., aave-v2) |
schemaVersion | String! | Version of the subgraph schema, in SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
subgraphVersion | String! | Version of the subgraph implementation, in SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
methodologyVersion | String! | Version of the methodology used to compute metrics, loosely based on SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
network | Network! | The blockchain network this subgraph is indexing on |
type | ProtocolType! | The type of protocol (e.g., DEX, Lending, Yield, etc) |
lendingType | LendingType | The specific lending protocol type |
riskType | RiskType | Risk type of the lending protocol |
mintedTokens | [Token!] | Tokens that can be minted. Only applies to CDP |
cumulativeUniqueUsers | Int! | Number of cumulative unique users |
cumulativeUniqueDepositors | Int! | Number of cumulative depositors |
cumulativeUniqueBorrowers | Int! | Number of cumulative borrowers |
cumulativeUniqueLiquidators | Int! | Number of cumulative liquidators (accounts that performed liquidation) |
cumulativeUniqueLiquidatees | Int! | Number of cumulative liquidatees (accounts that got liquidated) |
totalValueLockedUSD | BigDecimal! | Current TVL (Total Value Locked) of the entire protocol |
protocolControlledValueUSD | BigDecimal | Current PCV (Protocol Controlled Value). Only relevant for protocols with PCV. |
cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Revenue claimed by suppliers to the protocol |
cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Gross revenue for the protocol |
cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the protocol |
totalDepositBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all deposited assets, in USD |
cumulativeDepositUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical deposits in USD |
cumulativeWithdrawUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical withdrawals in USD |
totalBorrowBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all borrowed/minted assets, in USD |
cumulativeBorrowUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical borrows/mints in USD |
cumulativeLiquidateUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical liquidations in USD |
mintedTokenSupplies | [BigInt!] | Total supply of minted tokens in native amounts |
totalPoolCount | Int! | Total number of pools |
openPositionCount | Int! | Total number of open positions |
openLendingPositionCount | Int! | Number of open lending positions for the protocol |
openBorrowingPositionCount | Int! | Number of open borrowing positions for the protocol |
cumulativePositionCount | Int! | Total number of positions (open and closed) |
dailyUsageMetrics | [UsageMetricsDailySnapshot!]! | Daily usage metrics for this protocol |
hourlyUsageMetrics | [UsageMetricsHourlySnapshot!]! | Hourly usage metrics for this protocol |
financialMetrics | [FinancialsDailySnapshot!]! | Daily financial metrics for this protocol |
silos | [Silo!]! | All markets that belong to this protocol |
markets | [Market!]! | All markets that belong to this protocol |
oracles | [Oracle!]! | All Oracles that belong to this protocol |
creditSupply | BigInt! | Total credit supplied in XAI native Amount |
creditUtilized | BigInt! | Total credit utilized in XAI native Amount |
TVLBlockUpdated | BigInt! | Helper field for TVL Updates |
Description: Represents a liquidation event in the system, detailing the transaction, accounts involved, and the financial specifics of the liquidation.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
hash | String! | Transaction hash of the transaction that emitted this event |
nonce | BigInt! | Nonce of the transaction that emitted this event |
logIndex | Int! | Event log index. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0 |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Block number of this event |
timestamp | BigInt! | Timestamp of this event |
liquidator | Account! | Account that carried out the liquidation |
liquidatee | Account! | Account that got liquidated |
market | Market! | The market of the collateral being used |
silo | Silo! | The silo the event is for |
siloPosition | SiloPosition! | The users aggregated positions for a silo |
position | Position! | The user position changed by this event |
asset | Token! | Asset repaid (borrowed) |
amount | BigInt! | Amount of collateral liquidated in native units |
amountUSD | BigDecimal! | Amount of collateral liquidated in USD |
profitUSD | BigDecimal! | Amount of profit from liquidation in USD |
account | Account! | Liquidatee duplicated as account to implement Event |
Description: Represents a helper entity for liquidation processes, detailing the account being liquidated and financial specifics of the liquidation.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Transaction Hash |
liquidatee | Account! | The wallet address that is being liquidated |
quoteAmountFromCollaterals | BigInt! | The total amount received after collateral is swapped |
quoteLeftAfterRepay | BigInt! | The profit for the liquidation |
Description: Represents a market entity within a lending protocol, detailing its characteristics, financial metrics, positions, and related events.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
protocol | LendingProtocol! | The protocol this pool belongs to |
name | String | Name of market |
isPaused | Boolean! | Is this market paused for the silo |
liquidationPenalty | BigDecimal! | Liquidation penalty as a percentage value |
inputToken | Token! | Represents the asset for the market |
outputToken | [Token!]! | Token that is minted to track ownership of position in protocol |
sToken | Token! | The Share Token for the asset in a silo |
spToken | Token! | The Protected Share Token for the asset in a silo |
dToken | Token! | The Debt Token for the asset in a silo |
rewardTokens | [RewardToken!] | Additional tokens given as reward for position in a protocol |
maximumLTV | BigDecimal! | Maximum loan-to-value ratio as a percentage value |
liquidationThreshold | BigDecimal! | Liquidation threshold as a percentage value |
type | String | Bridge or Non-Bridge asset |
supply | BigInt! | Total supply of sToken and spToken |
protectedSupply | BigInt! | Total supply of spToken |
balance | BigInt! | Available Balance of sToken |
borrowed | BigInt! | Total amount of output token borrowed in native amounts |
tokenPriceUSD | BigDecimal! | Price per share of output token in USD |
exchangeRate | BigDecimal | Amount of input token per full share of output token |
rates | [InterestRate!]! | All interest rates / fees allowed in the market |
interestRateModel | String | Interest Rate Model |
silo | Silo! | Sub Entity to the Market Assets |
totalValueLockedUSD | BigDecimal! | Current TVL (Total Value Locked) of this market |
cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the market, accrued to the supply side |
cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the market, accrued to the protocol |
cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the market |
totalDepositBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all deposited assets, in USD |
cumulativeDepositUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical deposits in USD |
totalBorrowBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all borrowed/minted assets, in USD |
cumulativeBorrowUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical borrows/mints in USD |
cumulativeLiquidateUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical liquidations in USD |
rewardTokenEmissionsAmount | BigInt! | Per-block reward token emission as of the current block normalized to a day, in native amount |
rewardTokenEmissionsUSD | BigDecimal! | Per-block reward token emission as of the current block normalized to a day, in USD value |
createdTimestamp | BigInt! | Creation timestamp |
createdBlockNumber | BigInt! | Creation block number |
positions | [Position!]! | All positions in this market |
positionCount | Int! | Number of positions in this market |
openPositionCount | Int! | Number of open positions in this market |
openLendingPositionCount | Int! | Number of open lending positions in this market |
openBorrowingPositionCount | Int! | Number of open borrowing positions in this market |
closedPositionCount | Int! | Number of closed positions in this market |
lendingPositionCount | Int! | Number of lending positions in this market |
borrowingPositionCount | Int! | Number of borrowing positions in this market |
creditSupply | BigInt! | Total credit supplied in XAI native Amount |
creditUtilized | BigInt! | Total credit utilized in XAI native Amount |
dailySnapshots | [MarketDailySnapshot!]! | Market daily snapshots |
hourlySnapshots | [MarketHourlySnapshot!]! | Market hourly snapshots |
deposits | [Deposit!]! | All deposits made to this market |
withdraws | [Withdraw!]! | All withdrawals made from this market |
borrows | [Borrow!]! | All borrows from this market |
repays | [Repay!]! | All repayments to this market |
liquidates | [Liquidate!]! | All liquidations made to this market |
Description: Represents an oracle entity within a lending protocol, detailing its relationship with markets and the oracle provider.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: smart contract address for the oracle |
lendingProtocol | LendingProtocol! | The Protocol Address |
tokenOracles | [TokenOracle!]! | The relationship of this Oracle to Markets |
oracleProvider | String! | The Oracle Governor contract |
Description: Represents a position within a market, detailing the account, market, transaction hashes, and various attributes related to the position.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
account | Account! | Account that owns this position |
market | Market! | The market in which this position was opened |
hashOpened | String! | The hash of the transaction that opened this position |
hashClosed | String | The hash of the transaction that closed this position |
blockNumberOpened | BigInt! | Block number of when the position was opened |
timestampOpened | BigInt! | Timestamp when the position was opened |
blockNumberClosed | BigInt | Block number of when the position was closed (0 if still open) |
timestampClosed | BigInt | Timestamp when the position was closed (0 if still open) |
side | PositionSide! | Side of the position (either lender or borrower) |
isCollateral | Boolean | Whether this position has been enabled as a collateral |
sToken | Token! | Relation to the sToken |
sTokenBalance | BigInt! | Token balance of the sTokens for this asset position, in native WEI equivalence |
spToken | Token! | Relation to the spToken |
spTokenBalance | BigInt! | Token balance of the spTokens for this asset position, in native amounts |
dToken | Token! | Relation to the dToken |
dTokenBalance | BigInt! | Token balance of the dTokens for this asset position, in native amounts |
balance | BigInt! | Not used as we instead use sTokenBalance etc. |
avgEntry | BigDecimal! | Weighted avg of the s/dToken conversion as the account adds to this asset position |
| deposit
Description: Represents a snapshot of a position at a specific point in time, detailing the transaction and balances involved.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
hash | String! | Transaction hash of the transaction that triggered this snapshot |
logIndex | Int! | Event log index. For transactions that don't emit event, create arbitrary index starting from 0 |
nonce | BigInt! | Nonce of the transaction that triggered this snapshot |
position | Position! | Position of this snapshot |
balance | BigInt! | Token balance in this position, in native amounts |
balanceInput | BigInt! | Token balance in this position, in native amounts |
balanceOutput | [BigInt!]! | Token balance of the output token(s) in this position, in native amounts |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Block number of this snapshot |
timestamp | BigInt! | Timestamp of this snapshot |
Description: Represents a lending protocol entity with comprehensive details including protocol characteristics, quantitative data, snapshots, markets, and credit information.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Smart contract address of the protocol's main contract (Factory, Registry, etc) |
name | String! | Name of the protocol, including version (e.g., Aave v2) |
slug | String! | Slug of protocol, including version (e.g., aave-v2) |
schemaVersion | String! | Version of the subgraph schema, in SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
subgraphVersion | String! | Version of the subgraph implementation, in SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
methodologyVersion | String! | Version of the methodology used to compute metrics, loosely based on SemVer format (e.g., 1.0.0) |
network | Network! | The blockchain network this subgraph is indexing on |
type | ProtocolType! | The type of protocol (e.g., DEX, Lending, Yield, etc) |
lendingType | LendingType | The specific lending protocol type |
riskType | RiskType | Risk type of the lending protocol |
mintedTokens | [Token!] | Tokens that can be minted. Only applies to CDP |
cumulativeUniqueUsers | Int! | Number of cumulative unique users |
cumulativeUniqueDepositors | Int! | Number of cumulative depositors |
cumulativeUniqueBorrowers | Int! | Number of cumulative borrowers |
cumulativeUniqueLiquidators | Int! | Number of cumulative liquidators (accounts that performed liquidation) |
cumulativeUniqueLiquidatees | Int! | Number of cumulative liquidatees (accounts that got liquidated) |
totalValueLockedUSD | BigDecimal! | Current TVL (Total Value Locked) of the entire protocol |
protocolControlledValueUSD | BigDecimal | Current PCV (Protocol Controlled Value). Only relevant for protocols with PCV. |
cumulativeSupplySideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Revenue claimed by suppliers to the protocol |
cumulativeProtocolSideRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | Gross revenue for the protocol |
cumulativeTotalRevenueUSD | BigDecimal! | All revenue generated by the protocol |
totalDepositBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all deposited assets, in USD |
cumulativeDepositUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical deposits in USD |
cumulativeWithdrawUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical withdrawals in USD |
totalBorrowBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Current balance of all borrowed/minted assets, in USD |
cumulativeBorrowUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical borrows/mints in USD |
cumulativeLiquidateUSD | BigDecimal! | Sum of all historical liquidations in USD |
mintedTokenSupplies | [BigInt!] |
Description: Represents a reward token entity, detailing its type and reference to the actual token.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
token | Token! | Reference to the actual token |
type | RewardTokenType! | The type of the reward token |
Description: Represents a silo entity within a lending protocol, detailing its characteristics, TVL, balances, and associated markets and rates.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: Smart contract address of the market |
name | String! | Name of the silo (base asset symbol) |
protocol | LendingProtocol! | Protocol that the silo belongs to |
version | BigInt! | Silo Version Number |
baseAsset | Token! | Base Asset |
bridgeAsset | [Token!] | Bridge Assets |
isActive | Boolean! | Is this market active or is it frozen |
archived | Boolean! | If the market has been archived due to being replaced |
canUseAsCollateral | Boolean! | Can you use the output token as collateral |
canBorrowFrom | Boolean! | Can you borrow from this market |
totalValueLockedUSD | BigDecimal! | Current TVL (Total Value Locked) of this silo |
totalDepositBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Total Deposit Balance of this silo |
totalBorrowBalanceUSD | BigDecimal! | Total Borrow Balance of this silo |
market | [Market!]! | Market for the MarketAsset record |
rates | [InterestRate!]! | All interest rates / fees allowed for the asset in the market |
siloPositions | [SiloPosition!]! | All silo positions |
activeSiloPositions | [String!] | Silo Position ID's with > 0 collateral |
createdTimestamp | BigInt! | Creation timestamp |
createdBlockNumber | BigInt! | Creation block number |
Description: Represents a silo position within a lending protocol, detailing the account, positions, balances, and various metrics related to the position.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: |
account | Account! | Account that owns this position |
positions | [Position!]! | Account that owns this position |
silo | Silo! | The market in which this position was opened |
timestampOpened | BigInt! | Timestamp when the Position was most recently opened |
hashOpened | String! | Transaction hash when the position was most recently opened |
blockNumberOpened | BigInt! | Block number when the silo position was most recently opened |
timestampClosed | BigInt! | Timestamp when the position was closed (0 if still open) |
isActive | Boolean! | Does the silo position have active positions as children |
sTokenBalance | BigInt! | Sum of balances across all lending positions for the silo (both sTokens & spTokens) |
dTokenBalance | BigInt! | Sum of balances across all borrowing positions for the silo |
totalCollateralValue | BigDecimal! | Total USD value of all lending positions |
totalBorrowValue | BigDecimal! | Total USD value of all borrow positions |
totalLiquidationThresholdValue | BigDecimal! | Total USD value of all lending positions * Liquidation Threshold for that asset |
riskFactor | BigDecimal! | Percentage representing how close the user is to being insolvent (>= 100% means insolvent) |
riskScore | BigDecimal! | Derived, quantitative score that ranks borrow positions of interest |
openPositions | Int! | Open Positions for this silo |
depositCount | Int! | Number of deposits related to this Silo position |
withdrawCount | Int! | Number of withdrawals related to this position |
borrowCount | Int! | Number of borrows related to this position |
repayCount | Int! | Number of repays related to this position |
liquidationCount | Int! | Number of liquidations related to this position |
Description: Represents a token entity with various attributes like name, symbol, decimals, type, and associated market and silo information.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Smart contract address of the token |
name | String! | Name of the token, mirrored from the smart contract |
symbol | String! | Symbol of the token, mirrored from the smart contract |
decimals | Int! | The number of decimal places this token uses, default to 18 |
type | String! | 'Asset' 'Share' 'Protected Share' 'Debt' |
lastPriceUSD | BigDecimal | Optional field to track the price of a token, mostly for caching purposes |
lastPriceBlockNumber | BigInt! | Optional field to track the block number of the last token price |
silo | Silo | The silo for the derivative |
market | Market | The market for the derivative |
asset | Token | The base asset for the derivative (USDC for sUSDC) |
derivativeConversion | BigDecimal! | Optional field to track the conversion rate of an [s/d]Token to the deposited Asset. 0 for non derivatives |
totalSupply | BigInt! | Supply tracking for derivative tokens |
activeOracle | TokenOracle | The Oracle actively used for the market calculations |
oracles | [TokenOracle!]! @derivedFrom(field: "token") | The Oracle used to determine the price conversion of the tokens in a market |
Description: Represents a token oracle entity within a market, detailing its creation, updates, and pricing information.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier: Smart contract address of the market |
token | Token! | The marketId that the Oracle is used for |
blockCreated | BigInt! | The block this oracle was adopted for a market |
blockLU | BigInt! | The most recent block that the oracle was updated |
timestampCreated | BigInt! | The timestamp this oracle was adopted for a market |
timestampLU | BigInt! | The most recent timestamp that the oracle was updated |
isActive | Boolean | Is the Oracle currently used as the source of truth for a market |
tokenPrice | BigInt | The price of the token in WEI |
tokenPriceUSD | BigDecimal | Conversion Rate in USD (differs if a market has 2 non-USD based assets) |
oracle | Oracle! | The Protocol that is providing the oracle (nullable if non-standard source) |
Description: Represents a TowerCoordinate entity, typically used to map a specific coordinate or contract address within a system.
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Unique identifier for the TowerCoordinate |
key | String | The coordinate, a contract address |
contract | Bytes | Contract address associated with the key |
Last updated