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Last updated
Utility contract that simplifies reading data from Silo protocol contracts
Get underlying balance of collateral or debt token
You can think about debt and collateral tokens as cToken in compound. They represent ownership of debt or collateral in given Silo. This method converts that ownership to exact amount of underlying token.
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Yearly interest rate for borrowing asset token, dynamically calculated for current block timestamp
Get debt token balance of a user
Debt token represents a share in total debt of given asset. This method calls balanceOf(_user) on that token.
Calculate amount of entry fee for given amount
Calculate value of borrowed asset by user
It dynamically adds interest earned to borrowed amount
Calculate value of collateral asset for user
It dynamically adds interest earned. Takes for account collateral only deposits as well.
Get underlying balance of all deposits of given token of given user including "collateralOnly" deposits
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
Get amount of asset token that has been deposited to Silo with option "collateralOnly"
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
Get amount of debt of underlying token for given user
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
Yearly interest rate for depositing asset token, dynamically calculated for current block timestamp
Calculates current borrow amount for user with interest
Interest is calculated based on the provided timestamp with is expected to be current time.
gets interest rates model object
Returns Loan-To-Value for an account
Each Silo has multiple asset markets (bridge assets + unique asset). This function calculates a sum of all deposits and all borrows denominated in ETH. Returns fraction between borrow value and deposit value with 18 decimals.
Get combined liquidation threshold for a user
Methodology for calculating liquidation threshold is as follows. Each Silo is combined form multiple assets (bridge assets + unique asset). Each of these assets may have different liquidation threshold. That means effective liquidation threshold must be calculated per asset based on current deposits and borrows of given account.
Get combined maximum Loan-To-Value for a user
Methodology for calculating maximum LTV is as follows. Each Silo is combined form multiple assets (bridge assets + unique asset). Each of these assets may have different maximum Loan-To-Value for opening borrow position. That means effective maximum LTV must be calculated per asset based on current deposits and borrows of given account.
Calculates fraction between borrowed and deposited amount of tokens for given asset denominated in percentage
Utilization is calculated current values in storage so it does not take for account earned interest and ever-increasing total borrow amount. It assumes 1e18 = 100%.
Check if user is in debt
Method for sanity check
Amount of token that is available for borrowing.
Get amount of fees earned by protocol to date
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
Get amount of asset that has been borrowed
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
returns total borrow amount with interest dynamically calculated at current block timestamp
Get totalSupply of debt token
Debt token represents a share in total debt of given asset
Get amount of asset token that has been deposited to Silo
It reads directly from storage so interest generated between last update and now is not taken for account
returns total deposits with interest dynamically calculated at current block timestamp
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Total amount of assets that has been deposited or borrowed. For collateral token, use totalDeposits
to get this value. For debt token, use totalBorrowAmount
to get this value.
contract IShareToken
share token address. It's the collateral and debt share token address. You can find these addresses in: - ISilo.AssetStorage.collateralToken
- ISilo.AssetStorage.collateralOnlyToken
- ISilo.AssetStorage.debtToken
wallet address for which to read data
balance of underlying token deposited or borrowed of given user
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address
APY with 18 decimals
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
balance of debt token of given user
amount for which to calculate fee
Amount of token fee to be paid
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
account for which calculation are done
token address for which calculation are done
value of debt denominated in ETH with 18 decimal
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
account for which calculation are done
token address for which calculation are done
value of collateral denominated in ETH with 18 decimal
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
balance of debt token of given user
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
amount of all "collateralOnly" deposits made for given asset
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
balance of underlying token owed
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address
APY with 18 decimals
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
token address for which calculation are done
account for which calculation are done
timestamp used for interest calculations
total amount of asset user needs to repay at provided timestamp
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset for which to calculate interest rate
contract IInterestRateModel
IInterestRateModel interest rates model object
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
wallet address for which LTV is calculated
user current LTV with 18 decimals
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
liquidation threshold of given user
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
Maximum Loan-To-Value of given user
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address
utilization value
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
wallet address for which to read data
TRUE if user borrowed any amount of any asset, otherwise FALSE
always true
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
Silo liquidity
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
amount of fees earned by protocol to date
contract ISiloRepository
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
amount of asset that has been borrowed
contract ISilo
asset address
total deposits amount with interest
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
totalSupply of debt token
contract ISilo
Silo address from which to read data
asset address for which to read data
amount of all deposits made for given asset
contract ISilo
asset address
total deposits amount with interest